About the Exam Process

Salimpour School exams have multiple parts.  Depending on the certification level, students are tested with practical, written, choreography, and performance exams.  Salimpour Fundamentals 1 and 2 (S1 and J1) exams are offered in conjunction with live workshops, special class series, or following online courses.  Higher levels (Foundations, Intermediate, and Performance) offer testing following online testing preparation courses.  You are ready to test when you know the concepts. If you are in doubt, ask Suhaila or one or her authorized studio instructors; their goal is to keep you continually moving forward in your dance studies. If for some reason they feel you are not ready, they will provide you specific information on what you need to learn or improve to test. More information is provided below.


  • You must submit a completed Certification Registration form with testing payment. The Registration form is available via the blue tab below, or please contact our office at SuhailaInternational at gmail.com to request a form be e-mailed electronically.
  • Students must also create an account with the Salimpour School Online; a paid account is not needed, and you can sign up for a free trial with no payment information required. It is through this account that students will have access to their certification data records, test results, CECs, and choreographies/classes that require a specific certification level for access.
  • Note that for Foundations (L2), Intermediate (L3), and Performance (L4) testing, existing certifications are required; please see the course and testing requirements in that level section on the site.

Fundamentals 1 and 2 Exams

Fundamentals 1 and 2 (S1 and J1) exams are part of the 100 Level courses and content.  Fundamentals 1 and 2 exams are comprised of two sections:  a practical technique exam and an online written exam.  More information about these two sections is outlined below, including an explanation of practical testing for long distance students via online (video) certification testing.

  • The practical (technique) portion of the exam is given in two ways:
    • In a studio setting. Students are given verbal commands, drills, and instructions to which they must demonstrate a solid understanding of the concepts. To pass the practical portion of the exam, a student must receive 70% or higher.  The practical portion is held after the workshop or series, and the test is usually 60-75 minutes in duration.
    • For Fundamentals online testing, students submit a video of themselves executing practical drills per the specific criteria provided as part of that program. More details provided below.
  • The online written exam tests students on format terminology, concepts, history, and culture. Exam questions may include multiple choice, true/false, matching, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer. To pass the written portion of the exam, a student must receive 70% or higher.  Students will be given access to an online testing service to complete the written exam in a 3-day window.  More information about online written exams is below

Exam Requirements


The more you prepare for the exam, the better. The Salimpour Fundamentals 1 and 2 Introduction courses will prepare you for the exams, but your journey through the certification program, and your growth as a dancer, is continuous. If you are taking time between the courses, you can continue to prepare for the certification exam. Below are ways students can continue preparing for the exam:

  • Complete a full semester of the Salimpour Fundamentals 1 or 2 Introduction course. Courses may be repeated as many times as you wish.
  • Continue taking Level 100 courses, as well as Dance Movement and Folkloric Fusion classes. These classes are found in Online Classes at salimpourschoolonline.com, in-person classes with Level 5 instructors, and through ways described in the blog post “5 Ways to Earn CECs at Home.”
  • Complete a few more level specific Online Class Training Plans that you have not tried before.
  • Review all items on the “Required Reading, Listening, Viewing List”. Continue reading and watching the material listed.
  • Review the finger cymbal patterns in the SL1 Finger Cymbal List. Use the Cymbal Jams to guide you.
  • Review and continue to study the Salimpour Format Nomenclature.
  • Review the Jamila Salimpour Format Step Families Tri-fold to make sure you know the steps by heart, including the “reverse” for each step, and the arm defaults for each step.
  • Read the instructions for Submitting Video Homework and Meetings Using Zoom. Learn how to use your equipment, and practice making video recordings of yourself dancing. Practice uploading the videos to Google Drive. Having a process or system in place ahead of time will make submitting videos easier for you once the course begins.

You will need several items at the ready at the start of the course. The following items are required to allow the student to participate in the course:

  • Streaming, reliable internet.
  • Current monthly or annual subscription to salimpourschoolonline.com.
  • Video/film Camera and microphone (can be on a computer or internet TV).
  • Digital Storage (on recording device or external) to store/transfer video recordings.
  • Zoom account (for video conferencing).
  • Gmail account (to access Google Classroom).
  • Dance space with good lighting, good sound, and room to move.
  • Copy of the books and manuals used in the preparation course.
  • Copy of the Salimpour Format Nomenclature and Grid Mapping Keys under Documentation.
  • Copy of the Jamila Salimpour Format Step Families Tri-fold for quick reference.


To take the Salimpour Fundamentals 1: Exam course, students must have:

  • A current subscription to salimpourschoolonline.com.
  • Completed and “passed” one semester of Salimpour Fundamentals 1: Introduction to the Suhaila Salimpour Format.
  • Paid the enrollment fee in full.

To take the Salimpour Fundamentals 2: Exam course, students must have:

  • A current subscription to salimpourschoolonline.com.
  • Completed and “passed” one semester of Salimpour Fundamentals 2: Introduction to the Jamila Salimpour Format.
  • Current Fundamentals 1 Certification (SL1).
  • Paid the enrollment fee in full.

The enrollment fee must be received in full before the student will be invited to the Google Classroom, where you will be able to submit your technique exam and be assigned the online written exam.


Students who are enrolled in this exam are expected to submit all exam portions on time. Once a student is enrolled, there are no refunds for withdrawing from the exam. Students can find our payment policy here.

When enrolling in an exam, students are expected to have already worked out technical matters for filming and video recording.  If you anticipate traveling at all during the exam, then it is expected that you will have a plan for handling your video submission while you are on the road.  Many people use their smartphones, and you can still video yourself in hotel rooms, meeting rooms, and other locations as long as you plan and prepare.

If you have any questions about this material, please contact our Certification Coordinator, Rachel George, at salimpourcertification@gmail.com.

For Fundamentals (L1)  online written exams, students will be emailed a link to take the exam within a 3-day period.   The email for the exam link might be sent from Class Marker, and make sure to check your spam folder.  Students will need:

  • a computer or tablet with sound turned “on”
  • working and stable internet (for duration of exam)
  • one page of handwritten notes (optional, see below)

Once you begin the exam:

  • You will need to complete the exam in one sitting.
  • You will be allotted a defined period of time to complete your exam. The time is dictated by the number and type of questions asked, with each student’s test being slightly different.  As you begin the exam, you will be given the exact number of questions in your test along with the exact time limit for your test.  A typical Fundamentals exam has 40 questions with a 50 minute time limit.
  • You will have to answer a question before you are allowed to move to the next question.
  • You will not be able to return to a previous question to change your answer.

The exam is not an open book exam; however, students may use one single sheet of handwritten notes (front and back: A4, 8.5×11”, or equivalent). The page may not be typed. Students may NOT use or access any other resources beyond a single page of handwritten notes.  As examples, this means you may NOT use: another person, an internet search, language translators, the SL1 Study Guide, the Salimpour Compendium, any other book, someone else’s notes, etc.

  • Practical exams:  If students fail the practical portion of the exam, we strongly encourage them to attend another workshop, series, or course and then re-test.  Students may attend an in person practical test only to re-take that portion and pay the full testing fee, however they are not required to repeat the workshop.
  • Written Exams:  Failed written exams may be retaken for a $75 retest fee.   The written retest must be taken within 30 days of the original testing date.   (If successful, the original testing date of the workshop is used as the date for their certification exam.)
  • Expedited Fees:  In certain limited cases, students may receive permission from Suhaila to take their written exam slightly earlier for an additional fee of $25 to expedite the exam.  This situation is used only for those cases where a student might need the testing results from the current live workshop to take a higher level workshop immediately following the current workshop.  Expedited fees to not apply to online testing.

Commonly Asked Questions about Level 100 Exams

  • If I attend a workshop and sign up for testing, will I pass the exam?  The exam is a real exam, requiring that the dancer demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the material in both the practical and written portions. The testing process is not a formality, meaning that a student can’t just show up, pay money and expect to pass. But, by using the learning tools and resources listed for each level, you have the information needed to pass the exams.
  • May the exam be translated into another language?  The language of the format is English; therefore, all tests, manuals, and educational materials are written in English, and students are expected to complete the test in English.
  • I’ve never taken a class in person from Suhaila or one of her authorized teachers. May I just show up at the end of one of the Fundamentals (Level 100) workshops or series to take the Foundations (Level 100) exam?  The short answer is no. Dance is a live art form, and nothing replaces the feedback and training that is received in a live classroom environment. Suhaila and/or one of her authorized instructors must see a student in a classroom environment before that student may test.
  • Can I request an extension for my exam?  The clear answer is no.  Our exams are carefully scheduled, evaluated and graded by available staff designated specifically for your testing group and for that test time frame.

Foundations and Intermediate Exams

Foundations 1 and 2   •   Intermediate 1 and 2

Foundations and Intermediate exams (the 200 and 300 Level exams) are comprised of two parts:  Choreography Approval and Final Exam.  Each portion is handled online to accommodate long-distance learners.

  • Choreography Approval.  Approval (“sign-off”) on each required choreography is required for students to take the final exam for that course content.  Choreography approval is  included as part of the Foundations 1 or Foundations 2 Testing Preparation course.  Students must be prepared to submit videos of themselves performing each required certification choreography one week prior to the start date of the applicable Testing Preparation course.
  • Final Exam.  A final exam includes two parts:  the practical (technique) exam and the online written exam.  See the toggles below for more information.

Scheduling.  Formal Exams are scheduled at the end of the Fall and Spring semesters; check the Institute Schedule for dates.  Students wanting to test for Foundations 1 or 2 must have approval from the instructor that they have successful completed the course and are ready for testing.  With that approval, the student is eligible to enroll for testing in one of the exam periods held within one year of the completion of the course.  Example:  A student who successfully completes the Foundations 1 Testing Preparation course in Fall 2021 is eligible to enroll for testing in the exam periods for Fall 2021, Spring 2022, and Fall 2021.

Exam Classroom.  With approval for testing and after paying the testing fee, you will be admitted to an online testing classroom for your Final Exam.  The classroom will be used simply as a means to administer, monitor, and evaluate the final exam.

  • On the first day of the exam period, you will be assigned the technique portion (testing drill list) of the final exam to submit within 10 days.  Your results will be given within 2-4 weeks. Learn more about the technique exam for your testing course below.
  • Within the first three days of the exam period, you will be assigned the online written exam to complete within 7 days. Online exam results are provided approximately two weeks after the start date of the exam period.  Learn more about online written exams below.


The more you prepare for the exam, the better. The Salimpour Test Preparation courses will prepare you for the exams, but your journey through the certification program, and your growth as a dancer, is continuous. If you are taking time between the courses, you can continue to prepare for the certification exam. Below are ways students can continue preparing for the exam:

  • Complete a full semester of the Testing Preparation course for the level in which you want to test. The test preparation course may be repeated as many times as you wish.
  • Review the evaluations from the preparation course, for both drills and choreography. Review and watch the videos you submitted, and then compare them to the evaluations.
  • Work on incorporating the clean-ups and evaluations into your performance of each certification choreography.  Although approval (“sign-off”) on the choreographies is required to enroll in the exam course, you will continue to work with these choreographies throughout your certification journey.
  • Continue taking Level 200 and 300 courses, as well as Dance Movement and Folkloric Fusion classes. These classes are found in Online Classes at salimpourschoolonline.com, in-person classes with Level 5 instructors, and through ways described in the blog post “5 Ways to Earn CECs at Home.”
  • Complete a few more level specific Online Class Training Plans that you have not tried before.
  • Review all items on the “Required Reading, Listening, Viewing List”. Continue reading and watching the material listed.
  • Review finger cymbal patterns and practice all patterns right hand and left hand dominant. Use the Cymbal Jams to guide you.
  • Review the Jamila Salimpour Vocabulary Step Families Tri-fold to make sure you know the steps by heart, including the “reverse” for each step, and the arm defaults for each step.  (For Foundations 2 and Intermediate 2.)
  • Review and continue to study the Salimpour Format Nomenclature. Work on memorization.
  • Continue to study the Grid Mapping Keys (under Salimpour Format Nomenclature).
  • Read the instructions for Submitting Video Homework and Meetings Using Zoom. Learn how to use your equipment, and practice making video recordings of yourself dancing. Practice uploading the videos to Google Drive. Having a process or system in place ahead of time will make submitting videos easier for you once the course begins.

You will need several items at the ready at the start of the exam. The following items are required to allow the student to participate in the exam:

  • Streaming, reliable internet.
  • Current monthly or annual subscription to salimpourschoolonline.com.
  • Video/film Camera and microphone (can be on a computer or internet TV).
  • Camera for photos, or scanner (to submit creativity assignments).
  • Digital Storage (on recording device or external) to store/transfer video recordings.
  • Zoom account (for video conferencing).
  • Gmail account (to access Google Classroom).
  • Dance space with good lighting, good sound, and room to move.
  • Copy of the books and manuals used in the preparation course.
  • Copy of the Jamila Salimpour Vocabulary Step Families Tri-fold for quick reference.
  • Copy of the Salimpour Format Nomenclature and Grid Mapping Keys under Documentation.

The enrollment fee must be received in full before the student will be admitted to a Google Classroom, where you will be able to submit your technique exam and be assigned the online written exam.


Students who are enrolled in this exam are expected to complete the exam portions on time. Once a student is enrolled, there are no refunds for withdrawing from the exam. Students can find our payment policy here.

When enrolling in an online exam, students are expected to have already worked out technical matters for filming and video recording.  If you anticipate traveling at all during the exam, then it is expected that you will have a plan for handling your video submission while you are on the road.  Many people use their smartphones, and you can still video yourself in hotel rooms, meeting rooms, and other locations as long as you plan and prepare.

If you have any questions about this material, please contact our Certification Coordinator, Rachel George, at salimpourcertification@gmail.com.


The enrollment fee for your final exam must be received in full before the student will be admitted to a Google Classroom, where you will be able to submit your technique exam and be assigned the online written exam.

To take the Salimpour Foundations 1 Final Exam, students must have:

  • A current subscription to salimpourschoolonline.com.
  • Completed and “passed” one semester of Salimpour Foundations 1: Test Preparation.
  • Approval (“sign-off”) on all Foundations 1 (S2) choreographies (as part of the Salimpour Foundations 1:  Test Preparation course).
  • Current Fundamentals 1 Certification (SL1).
  • Completed Fundamentals 2 Attendance (JL1).

To take the Salimpour Foundations 2 Final Exam, students must have:

  • A current subscription to salimpourschoolonline.com.
  • Completed and “passed” one semester of Salimpour Foundations 2: Test Preparation.
  • Approval (“sign-off”) on all Foundations 2 (J2) choreographies (as part of the Salimpour Foundations 2:  Test Preparation course).
  • Current Fundamentals 1 Certification (SL1).
  • Current Fundamentals 2 Certification (JL1).

To take the Salimpour Intermediate 1 Final Exam, students must have:

  • A current subscription to salimpourschoolonline.com.
  • Completed and “passed” one semester of Salimpour Intermediate 1: Test Preparation.
  • Approval (“sign-off”) on all Intermediate 1 (S3) choreographies (as part of the Salimpour Intermediate 1:  Test Preparation course).
  • Current Foundations 1 Certification (SL2).
  • Current Foundations 2 Certification .(JL2).

To take the Salimpour Intermediate 2 Final Exam, students must have:

  • A current subscription to salimpourschoolonline.com.
  • Completed and “passed” one semester of Salimpour Intermediate 2: Test Preparation.
  • Approval (“sign-off”) on all Intermediate 2 (J3) choreographies (as part of the Salimpour Foundations 1:  Test Preparation course).
  • Current Intermediate 1 Certification (SL3).
  • Current Foundations 2 Certification (JL2).

For the Foundations and Intermediate Final Exams, the retesting policies are below.

  • Online Written Exam
    • Students must score 75% or higher on the online written exam to pass.  If you do not pass, you may retake the online written exam for $100.  If you do not pass the second attempt at the exam, you may take the exam a third time (or fourth or fifth) for $150.
    • A retest exam must be taken within 2-3 weeks of the preceding failed exam.
  • Technique Exam
    • Each technique drill must be passed by 90%.  If a student passes 60% or more of the drills, they may:
      • pay separately for private lessons to work on the specific drills that did not pass.  The student should begin this work within two weeks of the evaluation and complete the work within 10-12 weeks of the original testing date.
      • resubmit the entire drill set again within four weeks of the original testing drill submission plus a $300 evaluation fee.
    • Each technique drill. must be passed by 90%.  If a student does not pass more than 60% of the drills they must pay to re-enroll in the testing preparation course.
  • Important Notes
    • The Testing Preparation courses prepare you for the certification exam.  You have quizzes and sample drills throughout the course on which you get feedback to help you know how best to study and prepare for the exam.
    • If certification is required for another level, then students officially must complete the required level and be successful in testing before enrolling in the next course.

Foundations 1 and 2  and Intermediate 1 and 2 online written exams must be passed by 75%.

Students will be given a link to take the exam within a 7-day period.   Students will need:

  • a computer or tablet with sound “on”
  • working and stable internet (for duration of exam)
  • one page of handwritten notes (optional, see below)

Once you begin the exam:

  • You will need to complete the exam in one sitting.
  • You will be allotted a defined period of time to complete your exam. The time is dictated by the number and type of questions asked, with each student’s test being slightly different.  As you begin the exam, you will be given the exact number of questions in your test along with the exact time limit for your test.  A typical Foundations exam has 75 questions with a 95 minute time limit.
  • You will have to answer a question before you are allowed to move to the next question.
  • You will not be able to return to a previous question to change your answer.

The exam is a “limited” open book exam, meaning that only the following resources may be used:

  • SL1 Study Guide
  • The New Danse Orientale
  • The Salimpour Belly Dance Compendium V1
  • Middle Eatern Music:  History and Study Guide
  • Jamila’s Article Book
  • SalimpourSchool.com
  • SalimpourSchoolOnline.com
  • Ballet dictionary
  • dictionary (or for language translation)
  • your personal notes from classes, workshops, and the above sources

You may NOT use other resources beyond those specifically listed. As examples, this means you may not use another person, a general internet search, any other book that those listed, someone else’s notes, etc.

The practical (technique) portion requires students to submit a video of themselves executing practical drills per the specific criteria provided as part of that program to demonstrate technique clarity and stamina development.  Students must pass each drill 90%. In the event that more work is required for the student to pass the technique exam, students may require moving to private lessons to complete the technique exam.

Foundations 1 Practical Exam 25May2020-3

The practical (technique) portion requires students to submit a video of themselves executing practical drills per the specific criteria provided as part of that program to demonstrate technique clarity and stamina development.  Students must pass each drill 90%. In the event that more work is required for the student to pass the technique exam, students may require moving to private lessons to complete the technique exam.

Foundations 2 Technique Exam 25May2020-3

The practical (technique) portion requires students to submit a video of themselves executing practical drills per the specific criteria provided as part of that program to demonstrate technique clarity and stamina development.  Students must pass each drill 90%. In the event that more work is required for the student to pass the technique exam, students may require moving to private lessons to complete the technique exam.

The technique drill list below is an example of the testing drills to help students prepare for the certification exam.  The actual testing drills (assigned with the student is official registered for the Intermediate 1 exam) may be identical or similar to the drills below.  The actual testing drills must be filmed in a space with lighting bright enough for clear video evaluation of the required L3 technique.  The Drills will be done solo and to the loop song “Stamina”.  Each drill must be verbally called out by the dancer and executed for 60 seconds.  A total of 45 drills.  (Note: For testing, students have the opportunity to submit their drills once.  If the student does not pass the drills, and with approval, they may move to private lessons to complete obtain approval.  Drills may require multiple submissions to meet skill level approval.)

SL3 Drills 30June2019

Video Filming Instruction 11-27-2017

The practical (technique) portion requires students to submit a video of themselves executing practical drills per the specific criteria provided as part of that program to demonstrate technique clarity and stamina development.  Students must pass each drill 90%. In the event that more work is required for the student to pass the technique exam, students may require moving to private lessons to complete the technique exam.

The technique drill list below is an example of the testing drills to help students prepare for the certification exam.  The actual testing drills (assigned with the student is official registered for the Intermediate 2 exam) may be identical or similar to the drills below.  The actual testing drills must be filmed in a space with lighting bright enough for clear video evaluation of the required L3 technique.  The Drills will be done solo and to the loop options below.  Each drill must be verbally called out by the dancer and executed for 60 seconds.  A total of 45 drills.  (Note: For testing, students have the opportunity to submit their drills once.  If the student does not pass the drills, and with approval, they may move to private lessons to complete obtain approval.  Drills may require multiple submissions to meet skill level approval.)

JL3 Technique Drills for Testers 11-27-2017

Video Filming Instruction 11-27-2017

Loop options.  The music options you should use are from the Ala Nar Percussion Loops downloads [either loop #1 or #8]

  • https://www.salimpourstore.com/products/ala-nar-percussion-music-loops-downloads .

Performance 1 and 2 Exams

Performance 1 and 2 (S4 and J4) exams are part of the 400 Level courses and content.   Performance 1 and 2 (S4 and J4) course exams are comprised of five sections outlet below.  Each portion is handled online to accommodate long-distance learners.

  • Practical.  The practical (technique) portion of the exam is given as part of the first Performance 1 (S401e) or Performance 2 (S402e) course.  This course focuses on testing technique and preparing the students for the Choreography Presentation (gauntlet) performance exam.
  • Choreography.  Choreography evaluation for approval (“sign-off”) is included as part of the S401e Performance 1 or S402e Performance 2 courses.  Students must be prepared to submit videos of themselves performing each required certification choreography one week prior to the start date of the applicable Testing Preparation course.
  • Improvisation.  Performance Catalog Highlight Set evaluation for approval (“sign-off”) is included in all four Performance 1 and 2 online courses. Students must submit video showing their best solo improvisation work one week prior to the start date of the applicable Testing Preparation course.
  • Choreography Performance Exam.  The Choreography Presentation performance exam is held, with approval, following successful completion of the related Performance 1 or Performance 2 courses.
  • Personal Recital Performance Exam.  The Personal Recital performance exam is held, with approval, following successful completion of the Performance 1 or Performance 2 Recital Preparation  course, R401d and R402d respectively.


Below are ways that students can prepare for the exam:

  • Run your full Choreography Presentation show or Personal Recital show regularly.
  • Film yourself performing the pieces, and watch your videos carefully.
  • Review your notes and feedback from Suhaila.
  • Review the original teaching videos and related Suhaila performances as you continue learning more about the pieces.
  • Complete your costuming including hairstyle and makeup as determined in the related preparation course.
  • Establish a high-quality means to have your performance exam filmed.  Prepare to submit that video for evaluation immediately following the performance.


To take the Salimpour Performance 1: Choreography Presentation Exam, students must have:

  • Current Intermediate 1 Certification (S3).
  • Current Intermediate 2 Certification (J3).
  • Completion/pass of Choreography Presentation Preparation course.
  • Pay the required evaluation fee following for the final performance submission.

To take the Salimpour Performance 1: Personal Recital Exam, students must have:

  • Current Intermediate 1 Certification (S3).
  • Current Intermediate 2 Certification (J3).
  • Completion/pass of Choreography Presentation (Gauntlet) Exam.
  • Completion/pass of Performance 1: Recital Preparation Course.
  • Pay the required evaluation fee following for the final performance submission.

To take the Salimpour Performance 2: Choreography Presentation Exam, students must have:

  • Current Performance 1 Certification (S4).
  • Current Intermediate 2 Certification (J3).
  • Completion/pass of Performance 2: Choreography Presentation Preparation course.
  • Pay the required evaluation fee following for the final performance submission.

To take the Salimpour Performance 1: Personal Recital Exam, students must have:

  • Current Performance 1 Certification (S4).
  • Current Intermediate 2 Certification (J3).
  • Completion/pass of Performance 2 Choreography Presentation (Gauntlet) Exam.
  • Completion/pass of Performance 2: Recital Preparation Course.
  • Pay the required evaluation fee following for the final performance submission.

The Technique Drills (45 drills) must be filmed in a space with lighting bright enough for clear video evaluation of the required technique.  The Drills will be done solo and to the loop song “Stamina”.  Each drill must be verbally called out by the dancer and executed for 60 seconds.  These drills (or similar) will be assigned to students in sections throughout the Performance 1:  Technique Testing and Choreography Presentation Preparation course.

SL4 Technique Drills 20 May 2018

Video Filming Instruction 11-27-2017

With approval, should you be unable to sufficiently complete the Performance 1 (S4)  technique drills, the following may be an option:  Choreography L2 Drill Set.  Prepare a 15 minute drill set (example:  L2FCDS) that is Foundations 1 (S2) in content, but it can have optional Intermediate 1 (S3) layers and elements.  The set must include an entrance and a drum solo.  Finger cymbals must be included where appropriate.  The set will be developed through online private lessons with the School Director, Suhaila Salimpour.  You may either perform the choreography or teach it to another dancer (to be approved by School).  The piece will be performed as part of your recital set for Performance 1 testing.

The Drill section must be filmed in a space with lighting bright enough for clear video evaluation of the required Performance 2 (J4) technique.  The Drills will be done solo from a list of specific drills.  Each drill must executed correctly and with clear Performance 2 skill articulation. These drills (or similar) will be assigned to students in sections throughout the Performance 1:  Technique Testing and Choreography Presentation Preparation course.

JL4 Technique Drills for Testers 11-27-2017

Video Filming Instructions 11-27-2017

With approval, should you be unable to sufficiently complete the Performance 2 (J4) technique drills, the following may be an option:  Choreography L2 Drill Set.  Prepare a 15 minute drill set (example:  L2FCDS) that is Foundations 2 (J2)  in content, but it can have optional Intermediate 2 (J3) layers and elements.  The set must include an entrance and a drum solo.  Finger cymbals must be included where appropriate.  The set will be developed through online private lessons with the School Director, Suhaila Salimpour.  You may either perform the choreography or teach it to another dancer (to be approved by School).  The piece will be performed as part of your recital set for Performance 2 testing.

The Choreography Presentation and Senior Recital Exams are developed under the direction of Suhaila Salimpour during the related preparation courses. The student will produce and present a performance exam within a four month period following successful completion of the related preparation course.  The exam will be held at an approved location on an approved date.  Students will be required to submit a high-quality video of the full performance for post-evaluation.  Students may also be required to have Suhaila or a designated School representative present in the live audience.

As part of the Performance 1 and 2 testing requirements, the Choreography Presentation Performance (gauntlet) and Personal Senior Recital must be presented and filmed in a “theater like” professional performance setting.

  • The performance space should have lighting bright enough for clear video evaluation of technique and good audio to hear finger cymbal patterns.  No restaurant performances, waiters walking through the set, audience distractions, etc.  Costuming will be discussed and approved during the preparation courses.  Venues must be approved by the Certification Coordinator prior to filming.
  • Performance Space examples:  Dance Studio with stage set up (lighting); Small theater (rented); Hall set up for performance (lighting); Dedicated stage (lighting).
  • The full set or performance is to be recorded with no breaks, all songs back to back (as previously demonstrated at the Lesher Theater).
  • For the Choreography Presentation Performance, only current testers of that format may perform in the recorded set or the personal recital.  In the case that some testers are located in other cities or countries, they may fly in to record the set together with all testers present or they can record their own set separately.  But ALL testers must submit their own Certification Choreography Set video.
  • Review the Video Filming Instructions for Technique Drills for additional video hints and uploading instructions.

The official Performance 1 and 2 exams are both comprised of two performance exams:  Choreography Presentation and Senior Recital.

The preparation courses for the Choreography Presentations and Senior Recitals are designed to set up the students for success in presenting their required performance exams.  Before leaving the preparation courses, students must essentially perform in dress rehearsals at the level required for the actual exam performance.  In some cases where additional but minor work is required for the student to prepare, students might be approved to complete that work via private lessons.  Failure of performance exams, given the amount of required preparation, is unlikely.  But if a student does fail the performance exam, depending on the improvements required, a student may be required to retake the preparation course, take private lessons, and/or redo their performance exam.  Note that evaluation of each performance exam costs $350.

Teaching 1 and 2 Exams

Teaching 1 and 2 (S5 and J5) exams are part of the 500 Level courses and content.   The Teaching 1 and 2 exams are project based and included as part of the Teaching 1 and Teaching 2 online courses, T501b and T502b, respectively.